Coaching Programs

The people I serve are seeking to tap into their power and use their talents to create a greater impact in the world. They are experiencing frustration and stress and seeking a change that re-ignites their passion and purpose leading them to opportunities they didn’t know were possible. Being healthy, both physically and financially, is a current priority in their life. All they need is the vehicle and tools that allow them to gain clarity, design their vision, and experience the physical and financial freedom they desire.

90 Day Program

Health & Wealthy Fit


Are you frustrated because no matter what you do, you cannot lose weight the way you used to when you were younger?
Do you feel stressed and anxious for no reason?
Do you lack energy and often feel run down and fatigued?


Do you feel no matter what you do, your bank account doesn’t reflect your efforts?
Do you feel bad for wanting to have more money?
Are you unclear about your financial goals?

Then, This Program is for you!

In the ” Healthy and Wealthy Fit” Program you will…


  • Identify the habits and behaviors that are holding you back from reaching your goals.
  • Unleash your true potential and self-control by learning how to RELAX.
  • Re-claim your confidence with desired results that last long term.


  • Learn how to make supportive choices aligned with your financial goals.
  • Experience a decisive breakthrough and develop a clear understanding of your relationship with money.
  • Uncover the challenges and obstacles that might be stopping you from having the financial life you desire.

This program Includes:

  • Customized Live One-on-One Sessions
  • 12 weeks of one-hour V.I.P Coaching Sessions
  • 7 Day Reset body detox
  • Curated resources
  • Exercises to keep you on track outside of sessions
  • E-mail and support between calls
  • Sessions are 45 min – 1 hour long

Clarity Catalyst

The Clarity Catalyst Course is based on a Stanford University master’s degree program that was developed in 1979 to cultivate creativity, authenticity, and self- expression.

Tap into your creative FLOW and intuition so you can achieve the greatness that you KNOW you are capable of. In this powerful, life shifting, 8-week self-discovery course you will be given the blueprint to get clear on who you are and what you want. Your clarity, self- confidence, awareness, sense of direction, and passion will increase exponentially.

​A delicious blend of sacred sharing in a safe space, experiential mindfulness, and emotional intelligence exercises to refine and define who you are, weekly live-withs to shift your perspective on how you see yourself and the world, plus meaningful conversations with your peer coaching connection partner mid-week to land the learning and solidify the group.

If you are ready to….

• Learn how to do what you love and getting paid to do it so that you can leave your unfulfilling job

• Get crystal clear on your vision and mission so that you can leave an impactful footprint on this great earth

• Ignite more passion and love into your life so that you can feel excited and sexy because you are loved, cherished, and honored

• Belong to a group of like-minded others who also want to take their lives to the next level so that you can feel a sense of tribe and community

Then… The Clarity Catalyst is for you! In this 8-week program you will:

• Awaken to your true calling by getting clear on who you are and want you really want
• Discover the vast well of creativity that dwells inside of you so you can powerfully share it with the world
• Rewrite and reprogram your limited mindset with new beliefs that will set you free
• Connect with a tribe that has been attracted by YOUR awesome vibe…a group of people who will hold you high and support you
• Work with the fear that has been paralyzing you so that you can finally go for it and live out the life that is waiting for you
• Step into your power, authenticity, and confidence so that you can create abundance by sharing your unique contribution and gifts with the world

Culture Catalyst

Is based on The Stanford University Master’s Degree Program (creativity in business) in mindfulness and emotional intelligence. these practical mindset tools and powerful relaxation techniques are designed to reduce stress, improve peak performance, enhance creativity, and promote wellbeing.


The challenges we face at work, and in life, are unprecedented and multiplying. They include global unrest, economic hurdles; volatility in our external environments; tougher performance measurements; the demand for immediate, round-the-clock responsiveness; and the constant need to do more now… with less.

Those are the reasons why elite athletes, performing artists, healthcare workers, and business leaders are taking up the practice of mindfulness, and why it is being introduced into the world’s most successful industries, banks, hospitals, business schools – even the NBA and NFL.


From an organizational perspective, mindfulness programs have been shown to help improve attendance rates and staff retention, enhance job performance, as well as increase productivity and overall wellbeing.

In this emotional wellness 8-week online program your team will receive:

  • Improved capacity to manage stress effectively to overcome overwhelm, burnout and anxiety.
  • Greater emotional resilience to stay in balance during these tumultuous times.
  • Improved executive functioning of the brain to help overcome fatigue and be able to better focus.
  • Enriched empathy and ability to communicate more effectively with others.
  • Ultimately, a more coherent sense of meaning and purpose in what we do, greater connection to those we work with, and increased life-work balance.


Awaken your inner strength and create new ways of being that will allow you to fulfill your purpose without losing who you are.

· Discover how to re-ignite your passion and care for others while also caring for yourself.
· Connect with your higher self to know with certainty that you are living your true calling.
· Learn tools that help you access inner peace & balance while dealing with the demands of the healthcare field leaving exhaustion behind and spending your days off emotionally and physically energized.
· Step into your power, authenticity, and confidence so that you can create abundance by sharing your unique contribution and gifts with the world

Catalyst for Kids and Teens


Insight for life is awe-inspiring course that focuses on mindfulness and emotional intelligence. It is Based upon methodology first taught at Stanford University’s famed Creativity in Business Course (CIB).

The 9-week program is designed to take kids and teens on a profound journey into unearthing their creativity, tapping into their purpose, and thereby activating their full potential. Using practical tools and techniques the certified Insight for Life Instructor will empower kids and teens to step into their authentic true selves.

This 9-week course is designed to provide kids and teens with practical easy to use life skills to help foster and develop the powerful potential within them.

Benefits and outcomes often include the following:

  • Calm their anxiety and relieve stress by living in the moment and gaining control of their emotions.
  • Create a new relationship with time to overcome procrastination and help get things done.
  • Improve communication skills that breeds self-confidence when standing up to peer pressure/bullying and provide new access to better communicate with family and friends.
  • Cultivate confidence by boosting their self-worth and self-esteem so that they can deal with challenges in their life with ease.

Each student will come away with a deeper knowing about who they are, practical approaches for creating what they want, and the skills to manage fear, anxiety, and stop obsessive thinking.

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